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Frozé (Frozen Rosé Cocktail)

June 26, 2017 2 min read

Frozé (Frozen Rosé Cocktail)

I vowed back in February to never again complain about the heat. When it feels like winter just won't quit it's hard to imagine you could ever be bothered by a little back sweat.  Fast forward 5 months and boy-oh-boy I can suddenly recall quite vividly. 

Last week we made our annual trek down to the Jersey Shore for an unofficial kick-off to summer and oooooohhie that blazing summer sun did not disappoint.  Living in a coastal town in Massachusetts for the past 15 years I tend to forget how much warmer and more humid it is when you descend a few longitudinal degrees.  Don't get me wrong... we get plenty of deliciously hot summer up here but not nearly as early and for not nearly as long.  And there is something about 80+% humidity that makes relief especially elusive.

But a beach vacation just isn't vacation without a refreshing cocktail in hand. And I'm not much of a beer fan and I find white wine can be a little too much when the heat is cranking.  So what's a sweat-laden beach bunny to do?

Lucky for me I've discovered an antidote:  Frozé!!!

If you're like me you've probably noticed scores of outdoor bars and restaurants bragging about their fancy new frozé slushie machines. And it's no wonder. With the perfect mix of fruit, ice, rosé and just a touch of sweetness this new summer classic gets the job done.  But news flash:  you don't need a fancy slushie machine to whip up your own at home.  All you need is a blender (or immersion blender), some ice, frozen strawberries, agave nectar (or simple syrup), and generous pour of your favorite rosé.

Pro tip: Make and serve in your mason jar at your next outdoor get-together and use JarJackets in lieu of wine charms. The jackets will protect the jars if they are bumped or dropped and provide optimal grip to combat that slippery glass.

Summer is calling!


Frozen strawberries (4-6)
1 tsp agave nectar
1 cup ice
1/2 cup rosé

Blitz until smooth in a blender or with an immersion blender in jar.  Garnish with a strawberry or slice of lime.  Enjoy!



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