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Nutella Banana Smoothie with Chia Seeds

October 27, 2016 2 min read

Nutella Banana Smoothie with Chia Seeds


Nutella is one of my all-time favorite guilty pleasures.  Look at me. I'm drooling over here just thinking about it.  I still remember the first time I experienced this sublime spread.  I was a French major in college and spent a semester studying abroad in France (best summer of my life btw) and I first tried the famous Crêpes Nutella-Banane from a street vendor in Paris. Oh my soul! And don't even get me started on the crack-laced Napolitaine au Chocolat they served at the pâtisserie near my dormitory in Nancy... but I digress.  It's a good thing I spent that summer walking everywhere or I most certainly would have had to buy all new clothes.

Fast forward almost 20 years (ahem... what the what!?!?!) and I still have fond memories of my time in France every time I enjoy that delectable chocolaty hazelnut goodness.  Recently I bought a jar to try with my 4 year old (smeared on waffles for breakfast of course).  No surprise, like her mom, she was instantly hooked.  What's not to love?  Since then I have been daydreaming... downright obsessing... about Nutella laced smoothies.

So last weekend I decided it was time to give it a go.  Of course any self respecting Nutella smoothie must have bananas (I used frozen sliced).  I also tossed in some chia seeds and some almond milk for good nutritional measure.  This quick, simple recipe is guaranteed to be a hit in any family.   If it's any indication, in my house I've had requests for this smoothie every day this week.  You can adjust the amount of Nutella up or down to your taste (or sugar tolerance).  I found that when I made up a batch with extra ripe frozen bananas I could cut the Nutella down considerably and I didn't miss it.  That said, if it's chocolatey Nutella you're craving I say lean in... you only live once.  



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