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Pineapple Whip

June 18, 2018 1 min read 1 Comment

Pineapple Whip

This delicious summer favorite reminds me of summers at the shore as a kid.  Little did I know then that this classic summer treat is not only delicious but also dairy-free and paleo so a fantastic way to enjoy a cool, refreshing summer treat minus all the guilt.

PSA: Record heat is expected in the coming days. Stock up on frozen pineapple now!


2 cups frozen pineapple
3/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk
1tbs honey
optional garnish: mint


Blitz all 3 ingredients together in a 24oz mason jar with an immersion blender (or blend in a regular blender). Serve immediately with a sprig of mint.



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1 Response

Janet Jared
Janet Jared

August 07, 2018

So stinkin cute!!

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