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Zucchini Corn Fritters

July 26, 2018 1 min read

Zucchini Corn Fritters

Anyone else suffer from zucchini amnesia?  No seriously... Every year I overplant and every year I struggle to recall what to do with all of it. If you too suffer from zucchini amnesia, I offer you this!


1 cup frozen roasted corn kernels
1 small zucchini, grated (about 1 cup)
1 large egg
1 small handful cilantro leaves, chopped
1/2 cup cassava flour or all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp onion powder
2 tbsp olive oil


Combine ingredients in a medium mixing bowl and use a spoon to thoroughly mix until mixture is moist and well coated with egg.

Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat for 2 minutes. Working in batches of two, scoop 1/2 cup of mixture onto hot skillet and shape into circular patties using a spatula. Cook 4-5 minutes. Gently flip fritters and cook an additional 4-5 minutes. Repeat with remaining mixture.



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